I udlandet

European Brief Therapy Association, EBTA, står for opdatering, ajourføring og redigering af en international site, der samler forskningsresultater fra hele verden. Du finder “the Solution Focused Evaluation list” her…

Både EBTA og den amerikanske pendant, SFBTA opfordrer og understøtter global forskning, blandt andet gennem uddeling af “Research Grants”.

The EBTA research task group likes to invite full-time academic researchers and also professionals who carry out practitioner research based studies to write a 2021 Application in order to share their research and the changes made for the better. June 21, 2021 is the deadline to apply.

According to de Lange, Schuman & Montesano Montessori, (2016), both research and change in practice, need to be involved with each other from the very first stage in order to make that relationship the subject of systematic study. Mixed Methods: Integrating quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis in studying the conduct of solution-focused practice".

Du kan finde mere information på de respektive foreningers hjemmeside, eller kontakte Anne-Marie Wulf, der sidder i EBTA’s bestyrelse, og Executive Task Group.

Solution Focus is in the context of relationship, where people are and want to be, or have to get along.
— Insoo Kim Berg

I Danmark

Ganske få har herhjemme forsket og fordybet sig i den løsningsfokuseret tilgang og praksisform. En del af forklaring er uden tvivl, at tilgangen endnu ikke er så udbredt samt at den i Danmark mangler en mere officiel anerkendelse og blå-stempling. Følgende tre forskningsprojekter har været på kandidat- og masterniveau, og udtryk for de enkeltes forskers særinteresser.


Institutionel samtale og subjektivering - en mikroanalytisk undersøgelse af tre løsningsfokuserede samtaler

Karin Pharès har undersøgt, hvilke typer af subjektkategorier, der gøres tilgængelig i løsningsfokuseret terapi og dernæst belyst de empiriske dimensioner af de kollaborative processer i terapi. Afslutningsvis diskuterer Karin de analytiske fund i relation til en bredere samfundsmæssig kontekst.


The purpose of this master’s thesis is first of all to explore what kind of subject-categories, solution-focused therapy facilitates, and how the categories are co-constructed. Thus, the exploration sheds light on the collaborative dimension of the process in which the subject-categories are evoked and become available as ways of understanding and portraying the client. Secondly, the thesis discusses the findings in ways that enables a critical investigative approach to solution-focused therapy.

The analysis is organized as a microanalysis, and is based on three solution-focused interviews conducted by Insoo Kim Berg. Thus, solution-focused therapy is seen as an example of the kind of institutional conversations, this thesis explores.

First of all, the analysis shows that the subject-categories that are constructed and made available for the clients, shape them as capable, dynamic and autonomous beings. Furthermore the analysis reveals how both the therapist as well as the clients seek to influence and orchestrate how these categories are made available with certain lexical and grammatical choices. Additionally, the analysis reveals how certain language- and communication-patterns empower the therapist’s worldview and agenda. Secondly, the thesis demonstrates how solution-focused therapy can be seen as, what Foucault calls a practice of freedom. Last but not least the solution-focused approach is seen in light of the social and ideological context. Thus, the master’s thesis discusses findings in light of the potential risk of oppressive and reproducing mechanisms immanent in the field of pedagogy.

The relevance of this study is most importantly to explore the kind of subject-categories, that are made available for the clients and to shed light on the relatively un-described empirical dimensions of the collaborative processes in therapy. This in order to destabilize the predominant notions and ways of thinking about the tasks and means of therapy and thus ensure the dynamics and sensitivity needed in social work – so that it does not turn into oppressive power structures.

Håb i løsningsfokuseret korttidsterapi

Solveig Larsen har i sit kandidatspeciale på cand.psyk. beskæftiget sig med den løsningsfokuseret tilgang og i forbindelse med sit studie foretaget studierejser og fulgt praktikere. 


This dissertation sets out to explore how solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) strengthens the client ́s hope. This is done through a literature review, a review of research and a case analysis. The main finding is that the strong focus in SFBT on both the client’s future and his/her ressources are especially involved in strengthening the client’s hope. On the one hand there is strong emphasis on the possibility of a future without the presenting problem, and on the other hand an emphasis of what has already brought about parts of this preferred future and thus has the potential to do it again.

Both the original version of SFBT by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and colleagues and the later developments by Harvey Ratner, Even George and Chris Iveson, and also Elliott Connie has been included in both exploring how SFBT in theory and in practice strengthens the client’s hope.

Research has furthered this by exploring the evidens of a relationship between SFBT and hope, and also the relationship between hope in SFBT and therapeutic change. Not enough research has been conducted in this area and the existing studies includes a range of limitations, therefore more research is needed. Research that includes randomized studies with more participants, preferably both control- and alternative intervention groups, and more comprehensive interventions and followups. This has the potential to contribute to the benefits of hope in SFBT. To further this, future exploring of how to strengthen the therapist’s hope for the client and the effects that this might have on therapeutic change can be considered relevant. 

When the fingers do the talking - mikroanalyse af 12 løsningsfokuserede sms-dialoger

Anne-Marie Wulf, 2017, masterafhandling "When the fingers do the talking" - en mikroanalyse af 12 sms-dialoger, der peger på, hvordan sms-dialoger kan inddrages i socialt arbejde med mulighed for at understøtte borgeres / klienters udviklings- og forandringsprocesser. 


For years, I have been working as a social worker and family therapist with people suffering from mental problems like depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, schizophrenia and social phobia. Taking a Solution Focused Approach, I have been hired by the local Jobcenter to mentor them and help them cope with challenges of being lonely and isolated, without education or work, and for some of them with no hope for the future. As a part of my mentoring program, I’ve developed The Digital Diary - a concept using cell phones and text-messaging.  This master thesis arises from a curiosity about these text-messages, and how they can be used in co-construction dialogues for the mentee to benefit from. How - if at all - will text-messages as part of a dialogue with a mentor working from a solution focused approach influence the mentees’ responses?

I’ve set up my research on text-dialogues from three mentees working with two mentors, two mentees of mine and one from a colleague. The analysis are based on microanalysis to produce knowledge on my curiosity, an analysing method developed primarily by Janet Bavelas, on the ideas of Clarks Collaboration Model on co-constructing in dialogues and therapeutic settings. My microanalysis is focusing on questions and formulations, meaning: what happens in mentees responses when mentor ask questions - and what impact does mentors choice of formulations have on the text-dialogue? Analysing text-messages I will show, what happens to mentees responses, when mentor preserves, excludes or transformes mentees words. My research conclude that, working from a solution focused way choosing premeditated lexical grips, a mentor in text-dialogues can create possibilities for mentee to talk about him- or herself in a way, where he/she is active, energetic, capable as a human with resources, strength and possibilities. 

The prospects in this research is moving in two directions: as we move into a more digital mobile lifestyle text-dialogues can be a helpful co-constructing therapeutic tool, for instance for people in remote areas, secondly the research states that working from a solution focused approach do give opportunities to talk about yourself in a positive future-oriented way.